Online booking

Bookings made simple

Our online system provided by our partner company Hire a Pitch, booking has never been easier. It’s fast, simple, and easy to use. We even have an APP :o

Each School/Venue will have a dedicated page showing availability, facilities and offers. Your customers can book using the booking form, the app or contact our team via email or phone. Our lines are always open Monday-Sunday 9am-10pm so we will always answer. Our 360 package means that your facility gets the exposure it needs not only online but via our sales teams on the phone. We ensure that our sales team are fully trained on your facility.

Customers can check the venue’s availability for their desired facility (from sports halls to dance studios to football pitches) either through the online form or calendar. The school/ venue can provide us with new slots to add and change at a moments notice, and this will be updated online instantly. The School remains in control and can add as many of its facilities online as it so pleases.

To book a pitch, the customer simply creates an account to proceed with their booking. If already registered, they simply sign in.

The customer completes their booking details and proceeds to pay online through our safe and secure payment pages.

Once complete, the customer will receive a booking confirmation email. Details are also sent to the school/venue provider.

If the customer has any enquiries, our support lines are open 9am - 10pm Monday to Sunday.

Simple- Easy- Free download our brochure. You can also email us for more information.



Our Online bookings platform is completely free of charge if the lettings management package taken. If you only want to use our online platform then this is not a problem and there are a range of packages to suit your needs. Typically we take a 5 % + VAT commision on all bookings placed via our portal
- Hassle free bookings for your customers (they can book via the app, online or on the phone).
- School administration time significantly reduced.
- No need to employ a lettings manager as we will do all the hard work for you.
- Regular Reports sent to the school showing income generated.
- Easier to collate data. (Users emails and billing details can be pulled off very easily should you need to access the information)
- Guaranteed increase in revenue. With no missed calls and so many options available to book not only can we ensure your customers are kept happy but we can attract new customers to your facility.
You may have not heard of us but the chances are you have heard of one of our companies Playfiveaside, HireAPitch or With such an immense knowledge of the industry we can provide references, examples, case studies and site visits for all aspects from Playground regeneration to developing a new sports pitch
We do take a 5% + VAT fee of all overall income. Whilst some schools may class this as very small (as competitors charge 10-50%) our company objective is for volume academies, schools, playgrounds and venues nationwide to run their lettings through Schools360. Our vision it to create a network of users on our platform.
Please contact us on 020 3875 3886 or email us on to book a free consultation

Interested in free sports pitches?
Call 020 3780 3586 or send a message

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